Earlier this year, Skipton Building Society announced their 100% ‘Track Record Mortgage’ scheme in a bid to help renters who are struggling to save a deposit get on the property
Following the terrible disaster of the fire that destroyed Grenfell Tower in 2017, much consideration has been given by Parliament in relation to what can be done to improve fire
More and more homebuyers are turning to their family and friends for help with financing their property purchases. Whether you are a first time buyer or you are simply waiting
For whatever reason you may be selling your home, the thought can be overwhelming. While your conveyancer can help take some of the pressure off by handling the more complex
The property buying and selling process in England and Wales does not require a seller to reveal any problems although if asked a question they must answer truthfully. You may
Buying a house is a major commitment and is usually the largest debt someone will take on in their whole life. For many, buying a house can be a very
We’ve all gotten lost on our Autumn strolls from time-to -time and perhaps crossed a field we didn’t even know we shouldn’t have. Landowners now have the right to prosecute,
Approximately five months or so have now passed since the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 (Act) received Royal Assent and introduced a statutory scheme of arbitration for disputes concerning certain
What is a credit score? First off to improve your credit score you need to know what it is. A credit score, also known as a credit rating, is a
Under the current law, for many decades, millions of leasehold homeowners have been tied into hidden costs and strict clauses by freeholders. Costs include years of escalating ground rents, uncapped
What is downsizing? Downsizing your home is when you sell your current home and move into a smaller one. This may be your family home where the children have flown
This is an update to our articles of April 2020 regarding the Coronavirus Act and the impact on Residential and Business Tenancies. On 5 June 2020, the Housing Secretary announced
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