Parental responsibility

Putting children first

When a marriage dissolves, it breaks up a family unit. When separating from the other parent of your child or children there are responsibilities and rights you need to understand to help you make the best decisions for you and your child.

Regardless of how amicable or complex, the separation is, the children’s best interests must be put first. If both of you cannot make amicable decisions regarding their welfare, then professional family solicitors, like Keelys LLP will need to intervene with mediation and other routes. If this fails, then your case will have to go to the Courts to decide.

Parental responsibility

Parental responsibility is a common law relating to children. All mothers and most fathers have legal rights and responsibilities as a parent. The most important roles are to provide a home and protect and support their child/children. Furthermore, responsibilities include: –

  • Naming the child
  • Choosing their education and religion
  • Decisions on their medical care
  • Maintaining their property

Separation and parental responsibility

Married couples who have children together automatically get parental responsibility. During and after divorce, parental responsibility continues.

Both parties retain the same responsibilities and rights regarding their children and any decisions that are made on their behalf of them. When parents separate, one of the most important issues is to resolve what arrangements are to be made for the children. Issues such as where they will live, child maintenance, how often they will see the other parent and their education.

Making the right decisions

When making day-to-day routine decisions, you will not always need consent from the ex-partner, even if they also have parental responsibility. But if a major decision must be made (moving the child abroad or changing their name) both parties who share parental responsibilities must give consent. If issues or conflicts do arise, we strongly advise getting advice from a trusted family solicitor to help guide for support and advice.

Here to listen and help take out the stress

Making decisions about your children’s best interests will be complicated and cause a tremendous amount of stress and we know that virtually nothing in life is as stressful as a family breakdown.  As solicitors, we offer support and guidance when you need it most in a caring, professional manner.

Keelys family law solicitors will provide clear professional advice in a reassuring, caring and practical way backed by many years of experience specialising in this area of law. We understand that every case is personal, so you can trust us to give you the right advice suitable for you and your family.

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