Divorce day myth – a simple sound bite to a complex issue

Divorce day has become an annual media event, where the issues of marriage break-up in January, is highlighted. We at Keelys, as family law specialists, look at the ramifications of this message and the bigger issues on how to ensure a hugely traumatic event is handled sensitively.

For many years now the media have been keen to jump on the first Monday in January and pronounce it as “divorce day.”

2020 has been no different, but really we, like many other legal professionals involved in family law in Lichfield, London, and Liverpool or elsewhere in the country find the whole divorce day subject needs a little more focus and depth.

After all, it is not simply the case that people wake up on a Monday in January and suddenly decide they want to leave their spouse.

It is, in essence, just an awareness day highlighting divorce, which is unfortunately commonplace in society, yet still one of the most difficult times in the lives of those involved.

So, what should you do when thinking about a divorce?

We at Keelys have always found that making the decision to divorce is less painful for the person involved if they can talk to a divorce solicitor – picking up the phone to one of our family law team can help you understand what the process involves.  After all, it is a gigantic step that usually comes at the end of much soul searching and inner turmoil, which is not initiated by awareness days in the media.

The ramifications for those involved, especially if children are involved are huge – it is even more daunting if the break up is acrimonious.

‘Divorce Day’ doesn’t even touch on the emotional mincer of those choosing to separate have to go through.

We would say though that January, is a time when people do reflect – a new year does offer the opportunity to wonder if 2020 should be different and what can be done.

We ask those who feel they need to move on to consider all the factors, and to always try to work through the difficulties if there is an opportunity to resurrect a marriage.  After all, divorce is tragic for all those concerned, as well as those going their separate ways. That is why we are members of Resolution, an organisation who may be able to help make the passage of starting a new life as smooth as it can be  www.resolution.org.uk

It is worth adding, where domestic abuse is involved, we urge you to look for help, talk to family and friends or lend a hand to those you suspect might need assistance escaping the tyranny of a toxic relationship.  Advice and support can also come from charities such as Refuge who operate a 24 hour helpline.

Why choose Keelys?

We at Keelys have great experience in helping and advising people through divorce. We provide clear professional advice in a reassuring, caring and practical way backed by many years of experience specialising in this area of law.

Also we are collaborative lawyers, committed to Resolution’s goals.

In addition, our family team work closely with Keelys’ specialist teams dealing with trusts & taxation and corporate & commercial issues. We work closely with other specialists in the fields of pensions, accountancy, taxation and property to ensure that financial settlements arising out of family breakdown are managed smoothly and every facet of the case is considered.

Please do not suffer in silence and if you need help with a family issue please contact our family team who are here to help.

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