Keelys proud of our Jayne’s marathon year

We are honoured to announce that our very own Jayne Whitehouse has raised £4,500 after a yearlong marathon challenge to help research into the condition that affects her daughter’s life.

Jayne has spent 2018 lacing up her running shoes for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation” (JDRF), which is a charity researching to cure, treat and prevent type 1 diabetes.

Jayne’s 14-year-old daughter Faith, was diagnosed with the condition when she was just a toddler, and Jayne, a legal secretary with us, set a task of running 10 marathons during 2018- a feat completed recently with the Leicester marathon.

Throughout the year she was supported avidly by us as she kept a strict regime throughout running four times a week, come rain or shine.

She said it was the most demanding challenge she’d ever taken on, but we are so pleased she managed it. We have a lot of keen runners here at Keelys and Jayne’s adventure has been a big part of 2018 for all of us.

We wish, on behalf of Jayne, to thank all those in the wider community in Lichfield, for their work in helping reach this great target.

The funds raised will make such a great difference into the research putting a step closer to a cure for Faith and the 400,000 in the UK like her.

Jayne started 2018 off with the Gloucester Marathon, and there was also the London Marathon along the way.

Once again, we congratulate her on such a wonderful achievement.

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