Residential Tenancies, Business Tenancies and Coronavirus (COVID19): An Update

This is an update to our articles of April 2020 regarding the Coronavirus Act and the impact on Residential and Business Tenancies.

On 5 June 2020, the Housing Secretary announced that the moratorium on both Commercial and Residential Evictions will be extended a further two months until 23 August 2020.

This takes the ban on evictions to a total of five months with advice that no eviction hearings will be heard in Courts until the end of August. This means that no one is to be evicted from their homes or business premises during the summer months.

Both the existing ban and the extension apply to all home owners as well as commercial and leasehold properties.

There remains a continuing obligation upon all tenants to pay rent during this period. Landlords are encouraged to remain flexible in their approach to rent and attempt to agree arrangements with tenants. Any agreements reached should be documented formally to avoid uncertainty and potential disputes in the future.

Government advice states that measures will also be put in place to protect vulnerable people from eviction after eviction hearings resume. There is currently no guidance from the government on this, however, it is likely that it will be much harder to evict elderly tenants who have been shielding and those with young or dependant family members. Further guidance is awaited.

If you would like to know more about Residential or Business Tenancies and Coronavirus (COVID19) please contact Joanne Davies by email: or phone: 01543 420059

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