Reasons Why You Should Make a Will

Everyone needs to make a Will – not just those in old age.

What could happen if you don’t:

1.         Your partner could miss out.

            Many people believe that if you live together as a couple for a number of years, you become “common law husband and wife” and you will inherit if your partner dies.  This is not the case.

2.         Your spouse could miss out.

            A surviving husband or wife will not automatically inherit everything.  The intestacy rules will apply and children could inherit part of the estate at 18 potentially leaving the surviving spouse financially vulnerable.

3.         Your children’s future could be uncertain

If you do not have a Will and die, no provision will have been made for guardians or secure financial arrangements for their future if they are under 18.

4.         Unintended beneficiaries.

            If you do not have a Will then the Laws of Intestacy will apply and your estate could be inherited by someone you do not want to benefit or someone you don’t even know.  If you have no immediate family and would want to benefit charities, this cannot happen without a Will.

5.         It may cost your beneficiaries.

            You may miss an opportunity to consider tax planning to reduce the tax burden on your estate or undertake long term care planning.

Contact us

We can help.  Make an appointment today to discuss your Will.

Short of time or unable to come in in person – we offer meetings on Teams or Zoom to suit your availability.

Call 01543 420000 and ask for the Wills team or e-mail

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